Norther Offshore High Voltage Station is setting sail to Belgium’s largest offshore wind farm

The 22nd Offshore High Voltage Station leaves the ENGIE Fabricom yard in Hoboken

Today the 22nd Offshore High Voltage Station (OHVS) built at the Hoboken yard of ENGIE Fabricom by the consortium partners ENGIE Fabricom, Smulders and CG, has set sail towards its destination to the Norther offshore wind farm. This offshore wind farm, a project by Elicio, Eneco & Diamong Generating Europe, is the largest of the Belgian coast and will provide power to close to 400,000 households. It’s being built 23 kilometres off the coast of Zeebruges. Anually the wind farm will produce 1.4 billion kWh renewable energy. 

The OHVS is one of the key elements in the functioning of an offshore wind farm because it connects the individual windturbines. The power generated by the wind turbines (33 kV) is transported to this substation where it is converted to a voltage of 220 kV and then delivered to the shore through one cable. Onshore it will connect to the Belgian grid through Elia’s Stevin high-voltage station.

Norther has opted for a two-contract approach for construction, with two highly experienced contract parties, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind and Van Oord. Van Oord will design, engineer, supply and commission the WTG foundations and electrical infrastructure (OHVS and cabling) and will be responsible for the transport of the windturbines.

As Market leader in North west Europe for building offshore wind farms and main contractor of the Norther offshore windproject, Van Oord contracted the consortium partners ENGIE Fabricom, Smulders and CG.

ENGIE Fabricom was responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of the substation. The works also included the installation of low voltage equipment, the transport and installation. Smulders was responsible for the steel construction of the OHVS and its transition piece (TP) foundation. CG designed, fabricated, installated and commissioned the high and medium voltage systems including the control and security systems of the platform.  

With its 32 metres length and 21 metres height, 1,300 tons and a transformer capacity of  410 MV, the Norther OHVS is the most compact substation ever built in Hoboken. The construction of offshore substations has become a true Belgian expertise: Norther is already the 22nd substation that was built at the Hoboken yard of ENGIE Fabricom. In Hoboken, we already built substations for wind farms in the UK, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.  

About Norther

Norther NV is the company (50% Elicio, 50% Boreas – a JV between Eneco and Diamond Generating Europe) responsible for the development, the installation and the operation of the Norther offshore wind farm. This farm – with its maximum installed production capacity of 370 MW – is the biggest offshore wind project in Belgium. Its position is located on 23 km from the Belgian coast. With 44 latest-generation wind turbines, the production of energy can meet the annual needs of around 400,000 families. The works launched by Norther should be completed by the third semester 2019.

About Van Oord

Van Oord is a Dutch family-owned company with 150 years of experience as an international marine contractor. The focus is on dredging, oil & gas infrastructure and offshore wind. In 2017, Van Oord recorded a turnover of more than EUR 1.5 billion. Its head office is in Rotterdam. Van Oord employs approximately 4,500 staff, who worked in 2017 on 180 projects in 42 countries. The fleet consists of more than one hundred vessels. Marine ingenuity is characteristic of Van Oord. By using innovative, smart and sustainable solutions, it wishes to contribute to a better world for future generations. In 2018, the company is celebrating its 150th anniversary.

About Smulders

Smulders is an international steel construction company with a proven track record in the engineering, production, delivery and assembly of heavy, technically complex steel constructions. With over 50 years of experience in its field, Smulders was the logical choice for offshore wind structures back in the pioneering days of wind energy more than 15 years ago. Today, Smulders is an established market leader and can boast delivery of 21 substations and their accompanying foundations and more than 1,500 transition pieces and 100 jackets.

About CG

CG is an established turnkey ‘design & build’ contractor for onshore and offshore grid connection infrastructure. CG also manufactures SLIM® wind turbine transformers, power transformers, switchgear, automation and control products in addition to  being a market leading providor of transformer Services. CG Power Systems Belgium NV is an integral part of the Avantha Group Company. The group is a global pionerring leader in the management and application of electrical energy with more than 15,000 employees across its operations in 85 countries.

About ENGIE Fabricom

ENGIE Fabricom designs, builds and maintains multi-technical facilities for companies and local authorities. Its solutions enhance mobility, safety, the share of renewable energy and the distribution systems and also operational and energy performance levels in the industrial sector. ENGIE Fabricom and its subsidiaries operate in Belgium and internationally. In 2017, they generated turnover of €1.27 billion and had 6,000 employees.

Mark Van Hamme

Woordvoerder, Norther NV


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About Norther

Norther NV is the company (50% Elicio, 50% Boreas—a joint venture between Eneco and Diamond Generating Europe) in charge of developing, installing, and exploiting the Norther Offshore wind farm. This farm—with its maximum installed capacity of 370 MW—is Belgium's largest offshore wind project. The project is built 23 km off the Belgian coast. Its 44 state-of-the-art wind turbines will generate as much power as is used per year by some 400,000 families. 


John Cordierlaan, 9 8400 Ostend Belgium